Cat Head/Body: In Black Thread

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, sc* all around (18)
Round 4: *Inc, 2 sc* all around (24)
Round 5: *Inc, 3 sc* all around (30)
Round 6: *Inc, 4 sc* all around (36)
Rows 7-11: *Pb* all around (36)
On the next round we will add stitch markers for the eyes. These will mark where to place your eyes later.
Round 12: Sc in the next 15 sts. Sc in the next st and add a different color stitch marker to the sc we just made. This will mark where the eyes will go. Make 4 sc in the next 4 sts, make sc in the next st and add a marker of a different color to the sc that was just made. SC in the next 15 sts (36)
The 12th round eye markers will look like this

Round 13: Repeat *Inc, sc in the next 2 sts* 12 times (48)
Round 14: Repeat *Inc, 7 sc* all around (54)
Add the safety nose between rows 13 and 14, between the eye markers

Rounds 15-16: *Sc* all around (54)
Round 17: Repeat *Dec, sc in next st* all around (36)
Round 18: Repeat *Dec, sc in the next 4 sts* all around (30)
Round 19: *Dec, 3 sc* all around (24)
Now add the safety eyes in the marked areas of round 12. Fill the head. Now we are dedicated to making the body.

Row 20: In FLO (front loop only), *sc* all around (24)
Round 21: *Inc, 3 sc* all around (30)
Round 22: *Pb* around (30)
Round 23: *Inc, 4 sc* all around (36)
Round 24: *Pb* all around (36)
Round 25: *Inc, 5 sc* all around (42)
Round 26: *Inc, 6 sc* all around (48)
Rounds 27-32: *Sc* all around (48)
Round 33: *Dec, 6 sc* all around (42)
Round 34: *Dec, 5 sc* all around (36)
Round 35: *Dec, 4 sc* all around (30)
Fill firmly here. Continue refilling after each lap

Round 36: *Dec, 3 sc* all around (24)
Round 37: *Dec, 2 sc* all around (18)
Round 38: *Dec, sc* all around (12)
Round 39: *Dec* all around (6)
Finish leaving a tail. Sew to close and set the body aside for now.

Ears: (Make 2) In black

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Sc* around (6)
Round 3: *Inc* around (12)
Round 4: *Sc* around (12)
Round 5: *Inc, sc* all around (18)
Round 6: *Sc* around (18)
Finish leaving a long tail to sew. Fold the ear in half and pin it to the head as shown in the photo. Sew.

Legs: (Make 2) In pink
Round 1: 6 SC in the magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* around (12)
Round 3: Change to black. *Inc, dc* all around (18)
Round 4: sc in the next 3 sts. Repeat *Change to pink, 3 dc in next st (Photo 1), remove hook from current st and insert it into first dc made (Photo 2). Now also insert the hook into the current loop (Photo 3). Pick up the black thread (Photo 4) and pull through both loops (Photos 5-6). Now, continuing with the black color, sc in the next st (Photo 7)* 3 times. sc in the next 9 sts (18)

Rows 5-6: *Pb* all around (18)
Note: We made a total of 3 popcorn stitches on the previous round. Simply do sc where each dot stitch is (Photos 1-2).

Round 7: Sc in the next 2 sts, *dec* 5 times, sc in the next 6 sts (13)
Rows 8-13: *Sc* around (13)
Finish off leaving a long tail to sew. Now fill the leg and the leg. Pin the legs on each side of the body as shown in the photo and sew them.

Arms: (Make 2) In black

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc, sc* all around (9)
Rounds 3-9: *Sc* all around (9)
Finish off leaving a long tail to sew. We have not filled the arms, but if you want to do so I would fill them slightly. Now pin each arm as shown, making sure they are angled a little.

Tail: In black

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc, sc in the next 2 sts* all around (8)
Rounds 3-16: *Sc* all around (8)
Finish leaving a long tail to sew. Lightly fill the tail. Pin the tail to the back of the cat as shown in the photo and sew it on.

Eyes: in green
Insert the needle with the thread close to the eye and pull the needle into the upper right corner of the right eye (Photo 1) Re-insert the needle into the left inner corner of the right eye (Photo 2). Withdraw the needle from the upper left corner of the left eye (Photo 3). Reinsert the needle into the right inner corner of the left eye (Photo 4). Remove the needle through the original insertion point (Photo 5). Tie the ends well and intertwine them with the jack.