yellow thread
Round 1: 3 Ch (counts as 1 tr), 15 tr in magic ring. Join with a sr in the first st. {16}
Round 2: 3 ch (counts as 1 tr), tr in same st, 2 tr inc in each st for the next 15 sts. Join with a sr in the first st. {32}
Round 3: 3 ch (counts as 1 dc), dc in same st, dc in next st, [2 dc inc in next st, dc in next st] repeat around. Join with a sr in the first st. {48}
With your preferred color of yarn other than yellow, make a slipknot and insert the hook into the first st of the round and crochet the next option.
Smiley face without outline: Crochet the next row in both rows.
Outlined smiley face: Crochet the next row only in the back row
(21 points on each side of the square, a total of 84 points on the 5th round)
Round 4: [4 ch (counts as tr 1), tr, 2 ch, tr 2] in the same st, dc in the next st, hdc in the next 2 sts, sc in the next 5 sts, hdc in the next 2 sts, dc in next st, [(tr2, ch2, dc2) in next st, dc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st] repeat 3 times to complete the turn. Join with a sr in the first st. {68}
Round 5: 3 ch (counts as 1 dc), dc in the next st, [(2 dc, 2 dc, 2 dc) in the ch-2 sp, dc in the next 15 sts] repeat 3 times, (2 dc , 2 ch, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp, dc in the next 13 sts. Join with a sr in the first st. {84}
smiley face
With black thread and a tapestry needle, sew the smile between rows 2 and 3. First, make a small horizontal stitch in st 1 of the row, then sew running stitches around the circle to the opposite corner, mirroring the position to judge where to finish the point. Make another horizontal st at this end.
Sew the eye about 2 sts above the smile, then sew the smile back and fill the gap with running stitches.
Lastly, complete the smiley face by sewing on the eye.