If you are a girl who loves purses because of their practicality and comfort when carrying, this pattern is ideal for you and we assure you that it will be one of your favourites. Its circular structure with a closure undoubtedly gives the piece that elegance that will perfectly complement any outfit. Let’s get started!
Version A: Color #07 Antique Green, 1 ball [35g].
Version B: Color #03 Gold Yellow, 1 ball [25g].
Hook size 2mm.
Lining fabric: 91 cm x 25 cm.
Zipper: Version A 16cm / Version B 20cm.
Version A
Diameter: 21.5 cm.
Depth: 3cm.
Diameter: 11.5 cm.
Depth: 3cm.
Version A: Work the magic ring to start, then work the motif in the round according to the chart. c 2.
Version B: 6 Chain stitches and join to work in the round. Work motif 1 according to the chart (make 2). Work magic ring to start, then work motif 2 in the round according to chart (make 12). Sewing 6 motifs 2 to each motif 1.
Finishing: Cut the fabric of the purse as indicated. Sew the zipper to the purse piece. Sew the purse to the round front and back lining pieces with the right sides facing each other (ie inside out). Turn the purse to the right and sew the motifs to the front and back with chain stitch.