Home Crochet Weatherstrip for Doors in Crochet FREE PATTERN

Weatherstrip for Doors in Crochet FREE PATTERN

Weatherstrip for Doors in Crochet FREE PATTERN

Base row (right side): pc 36; sc in 2nd ch from hook and every ch across, turn – 35 sc.

Rows 1-14: Pc 1, sc in each stitch across, turn.

Row 15 (wrong side): pc 1, sc in the first 17 sc, bubble stitch in the next sc, sc in the next 17 sc, turn – 34 sc and 1 bubble stitch.

Rows 16-18: Repeat row 1 three times.

Row 19: pc 1, sc in the first 14 sc, bubble stitch in the next sc, sc in the next 5 sc, bubble stitch in the next sc, sc in the last 14 sc, turn – 33 sc and 2 bubble stitches.

Rows 20-22: Repeat row 1 three times.

Row 23: pc 1, sc in the first 11 sc, [bubble stitch in the next sc, sc in the next 5 sc] 2 times, bubble stitch in the next sc, sc in the last 11 sc, turn – 32 sc and 3 bubble points.

Rows 24-26: Repeat row 1 three times.

Rows 27-30: Repeat rows 19-22.

Rows 31-158: Repeat rows 15-30 eight times.

Row 159: Repeat row 15.

Rows 160-174: Repeat row 1 fifteen times. fasten.


With the right side facing you, using the thread and thread needle, sew the long side edges together. Using the yarn and yarn needle, sew a basting stitch around one end and pull gently but firmly to gather. Sew the end closed and weave the tail.

Assemble the inner tube: The tube can be sewn with a sewing machine or by hand sewing with a needle and thread. Pinning the right sides together, fold the fabric lengthwise. Pin and sew a 1⁄2″ seam down the length of the fabric and through one short end, to create a tube. Turn the correct side of the tube out. Using the funnel, fill the tube with sand to within 1” of the open end. Tuck 1⁄2″ of fabric through the open end of the tube and sew it closed.

Insert the stuffed fabric tube into the woven tube. Using the yarn and yarn needle, weave a strand through the top edge of the knit tube and pull gently but firmly to gather. Sew the end closed and weave the tail.


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