Home Crochet Putting toothpaste on lemon will save you a lot of money | Grandma’s trick still works

Putting toothpaste on lemon will save you a lot of money | Grandma’s trick still works

Putting toothpaste on lemon will save you a lot of money | Grandma’s trick still works

A money-saving tip is to put toothpaste and lemon together – a home method that becomes useful in every room of the house.

Lemon toothpaste

Sometimes all it takes is a few ingredients to create  eco-friendly, cost-effective solutions  that can fit into your home cleaning routine. This is the case  of the combo between toothpaste and lemon . Toothpaste has a friction effect that can remove plaque and clean teeth. However, it can be combined in other strategic ways to take advantage of all its properties, one of them being lemon. Lemon contains a lot of citric acid, an acid typically found in fruits. Lemon acid is very strong and is often used in detergents, shampoos, creams and lotions. For this reason, with these two ingredients you can create a fantastic  versatile mixture that is perfect for any surface.

How to create the ecological and economical solution with lemon and toothpaste

Cut the lemon into cubes

First, to create the perfect mixture you need a  lemon and a tube of toothpaste (it’s  fine even opened). The first step is to cut the lemon into cubes: first, remove it from the ends, cut it into slices of about one centimeter and finally cut the slices into four quarters.

Cheap homemade mix

Place the lemon cubes in a blender,  add a glass of water  and operate the blender until you obtain a semi-liquid pulp. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and squeeze 6 or 7 centimeters of toothpaste into it. Toothpaste is a mixture that is difficult to break down, so use a fork to mix vigorously until the ingredients are perfectly blended.

create homemade mixture to clean dishes

Once done, cover the bowl with cling film and  let the dough rest  for about 10 minutes. Once the time has passed, make small holes with a toothpick and place in the refrigerator to eliminate all the bacteria. Leave to act for 5 hours so that the citric acid, together with the toothpaste, releases its disinfectant and refreshing properties.

Create a Homemade Dishes Cleaning Mixture

After five hours, using a sieve,  strain the liquid from the pulp into a small bowl. Using a spoon, press firmly so that the lemon pulp and toothpaste release all the magic liquid. Finally, transfer the liquid into a spray bottle, ready to use!

The magical, ecological and perfect solution for disinfecting and cleaning surfaces

Lemon solutions

The lemon and toothpaste lotion created is perfect for  cleaning dirty dishes . The action of citric acid and toothpaste together, cleans and disinfects in the same way, and the residual grease from food will come off at a glance. Even  stubborn dirt  from the stove will be easily removed, all it takes is a few sprays and a wipe with a sponge to restore it to its splendor. Not only in the kitchen, toothpaste and lemon are  great for removing limescale deposits  from bathroom tap water. Surfaces will shine and look like new.


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