    HomeCrochetPiped Zipper Pouch Tutorial & Pattern

    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial & Pattern

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    Piped Wash Bag Free Sewing Tutorial and Pattern. How-to step by step…

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    You will need…

    beach hut fabric
    150 cm royal blue polka dot bias binding
    Piped Wash Bag Pattern
    pu coated nylon waterproof fabric
    39 cm nylon closed end zip
    150 cm piping cord


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    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 1

    Start by downloading the free pattern which you can download by clicking the link above in ‘what you will need’ and cut out the following pieces as illustrated above.

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    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 2

    Using your piped washbag pattern cut out the lining panels as above


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 3

    Using your piped washbag pattern cut out the cotton wadding panels as above


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 4

    Cut the binding into two strips as above and press in half. Cut your strip of piping cord in half as above.


    Step 5

    Place your oilcloth base piece right sides together with one of the side panels, matching up raw edges, hold in place using clips, using a 1cm seam allowance join the two panel together. Place your oilcloth base piece right sides together with remaining side panel, matching up raw edges, hold in place using clips, using a 1cm seam allowance join the two panel together. Press seams open.


    Step 6

    Place the stitched panels, wrong sides together with matching cotton wadding panel, pin, baste stitch them together.


    Step 7

    Place the remaining panels, wrong sides together with their corresponding cotton wadding panels, pin, baste stitch them together.


    Step 8

    Wrap the tape, right side out, around the cord. With the raw edges even, pin and then machine baste close to the cord, with the zipper foot or piping foot on your machine.


    Step 9

    Starting at the base of the front panel, pin the piping around the edge of the front panel on the right side, with the piping facing inward, and the basting just inside the seam line. On curves clip into seam allowance of the piping.


    Step 10

    Using the zipper foot or piping foot, machine baste along the previous basting line. Leave 5cm (2in) unstitched at each end, remove the basting at one end, and pull back the bias tape. Trim the cord so that the ends butt up, then turn under one end of the bias tape and lap it over the other end as you wrap the bias tape around the cord, machine baste. Apply piping to back panel as before.


    Step 11

    Pin the zip, right sides together with zip gusset, using a zipper foot, stitch in place.


    Step 12

    Repeat with remaining gusset panel on other size of zip.


    Step 13

    Place short end of the zipped panel to the short end of the base panel, using a 1cm seam allowance stitch together. Join the remaining short edge of each gusset end piece using a 1cm seam allowance.


    Step 14

    Press seam allowance away from zip.


    Step 15

    Edge stitch the seam allowance in place.


    Step 16

    You will now have a tube for the sides.


    Step 17

    Place the ribbon along the side panel, matching up the sides with the seam next to the zip opening, and raw edges even, baste stitch in place.


    Step 18

    Pin the piped front panel to the side panel, with right sides together and raw edges even, so that the oilcloth base seams match the notches on the front panel. With the zipper foot or piping foot on the machine, stitch along the seam line, hugging the cord, through all four layers.


    Step 19

    Open the zip a little so you can turn the wash bag the right side out after the next step.


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 20

    Pin the piped back panel to the side panel, with right sides together and raw edges even, so that the oilcloth base seams match the notches on the back panel. With the zipper foot or piping foot on the machine, stitch along the seam line, hugging the cord, through all four layers. Turn inside out and it should like the photo above.


    Step 21

    Press the seam allowance (1cm) on the zip gussets and edge stitch in place. Then join to the base gusset panel and front and back panels as before, omitting the piping.


    Step 22

    Clip the lining to the outer, matching up the seams


    Step 23

    Line the edge of the lining up with the stitch on the outer wash bag.


    Step 24

    Slip stitch the lining to the outer.


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial

    Step 25

    Turn the wash bag right side out.


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial


    Piped Zipper Pouch Tutorial
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