Rounds 8-9: *Sc* around (36)
Round 10: *Inc, 5 sc* 2 times. *Inc* in the next st, sc in the next st and add a marker of another color to the sc you just made. This marks where to place the eye. Sc in the next 4 sts, sc in the next st and add a marker of another color to the sc you just made. Sc in the same st. Sc in the next 5 sts. Repeat *Inc in next st, sc in next 5 sts* 2 times (42).

Rounds 11-14: *Sc* around (42)
Round 11: Photo below

Top off. Now add the eyes in the marked areas.

Cupcake top: In frosting color

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* around (12)
Round 3: *Inc, sc* all around (18)
Round 4: *Inc, 2 sc* all around (24)
Round 5: *Inc, 3 sc* all around (30)
Round 6: *Inc, 4 sc* all around (36)
Round 7: *Inc, 5 sc* all around (42)
Rounds 8-13: *Sc* around (42)
Row 14: In FLO (front loop only) make 4 dc in next st, skip next st and tr in next st. Repeat *4 dc in next st, skip next st, sl st in next st* 13 times.
Finish and leave a long tail to sew the top cupcake to the bottom.

Align the bottom with the top (Photo 1). Using the tail of the top cupcake, sew the pieces from the front loop on the top cupcake (Photo 2) to the back loop of the bottom cupcake (Photo 3). Repeat this operation around and fill (Photo 7) before closing completely.

Smile: In black embroidery thread
Insert the needle with the black embroidery thread at the indicated point (Photo 1) and take a stitch to the right (Photo 1). Insert the needle into the opposite side of the mouth (Photo 2) and remove the needle through the center of the mouth (Photo 2). The working thread is now just above the smile. Reinsert the needle under the smile, but at the same point where it was inserted before (Photo 4). Weave the ends. Ready.

Cherry: In Red

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2: *Inc* around (12)
Rows 3-6: *Sc* all around (12)
Round 7: *Dec* around (6)
Top off. Sew to close. Pin to top of cupcake.

Sew the sprinkles in 2 to 4 different colors and weave the ends. Ready!