Fusilli pasta (haz 25)
Use color #1317. St 18. Rnd 1: Skip 1 st, 2 sc in the next st, 3 sc in each st = 51 stitches. fasten.
Use color #3528.
Knit in the round.
V1: 6 points inside the magic ring.
R2: 1 sc, 1 Mini Berry stitch in the same base stitch = 12 stitches.
R3: 1 sc, 1 Mini Berry stitch in the same base stitch = 24 stitches.
R4: 1 sc, 1 Mini Berry stitch in the same base stitch, (1 sc, 1 Mini Berry stitch in the same base stitch) 2x, repeat as at the beginning 5 more times = 36 stitches. fasten.

Basil leaves (make 4)
Use color #5398.
Pc 4.
R1: Skip 1 ch, 1 sc, 2 hdc in the same ch, (1 sc, ch 2, 1 slr in the second ch, 1 sc) in the last ch. Work on the other side of the base chain: 2 hdc in the same ch, 1 sc, close with 1 sr in the first sc.