Part 1 – Back
Use hook 7 and Natural Cotton. 91 Chains and follow pattern A – graphic 1 – 29 motifs, repeat stitches. When back measures 8.25″ start decreasing armhole: On each side every 2 rows: 1 motif (4x). When the piece measures 22″, finish with 21 motifs and cast off. Reserve the piece.
right front
Start at the bottom. Chain 19 and follow pattern A on this base chain (pattern A – 5 motifs), follow chart 1 + repeat stitches to 8.25″ and then begin armhole decrease: decrease on the left side every 2 rows 1 motif (4x). When piece measures 22″ finish piece with 1 motif, cast off and set aside.
left front
Follow the same instructions as for the knit, reversing the sides for the decreases.
Part 2
Use hook 7 and natural cotton to join the back and the front with a 5″ chain lacing. This lace will be the base for the sleeves and the edge of the neckline.
part 3
Use hook 7 and Natural Cotton, join at the armhole and make the sleeves, follow Pattern A – 42 motifs, decrease on each side, every 2 rows 1 stitch (13x). When the sleeve is 16.25″ long, finish the piece with 16 motifs and fasten off.
Use hook 7 and natural cotton. Chain 10 and follow Pattern B – Chart 2, repeat the stitches in this base chain for 8″ and cast off. Go to tapestry needle and sew cuff to bottom of sleeves through wrong side. Make another and sew it to the other sleeve.
assembly and finishing
Use tapestry needle and natural cotton to sew the sides (8.25″), sew the sleeves and cuffs (18.5″)
Part 4 – Hem
Use hook 7 and natural cotton. 10 Chains and in this foundation chain, follow Pattern B – Graph 2, repeat stitches to 29″ and cast off. Switch to tapestry needle and sew hem down the center.
Part 5 – Neckline (front and back edge)
Use hook 7 and Natural cotton, and join the yarn at the bottom right front and work around the neckline (bottom left back and front), follow Pattern B – 223 sts – Chart 2, repeat sts for 4.75# and finish off
Crochet Snow Stitch Cardigan Pattern

Assembly Diagram