ATTENTION : It is forbidden to publish, resell, translate, change or exchange the pattern in whole or in part, in any way whatsoever.
Necessary Techniques
- slip knot
- magic ring
- Chain Point
- Dwarf Point (sp)
- Low Point (sc)
- increase (increase)
- Decrease (dis)
- Sew
Necessary Material and Tools
You can order the materials at the corresponding link (affiliate link).
- Colors: blue, red, beige
- To knit this pattern, « Schachenmayr Catania » wool (100% cotton, length: 125 m, ball weight: 50 g, Sport wool weight, 5 Ply / Fina (2)) has been used in the following colours:
- Petroleum (Petrol (391)) , Marsala Red (Marsalarot (396)) , Light Apricot (Soft Apricot (263))
- 2.5mm Crochet Hook
- Polyester padding
- Scissors
- embroidery needle
- Point Marker
Weave the Head of the Fly
The head of the fly is knitted in Petroleum color in spiral single crochet rounds. There is no need to fill the head with polyester padding, just close it after everything is assembled.

Use the boxes to mark the turns, rows and steps that you have finished.
- Knit the head in a spiral with Petroleum yarn .
- Round 1 : 5 sc inside the magic ring (5 stitches).
- Round 2-4: 3 rounds, each round 5 sc (5 stitches).
- Round 5: [1 inc] x 5 (10 stitches).
- Round 6: [1 sc, 1 inc] x 5 (15 stitches).
- Round 7: [2 sc, 1 inc] x 5 (20 stitches).
- Round 8: [1 sc, 1 inc] x 10 (30 stitches).
- Round 9-14: 6 rounds, each round 30 sc (30 stitches).
- Round 15: [3 sc, 1 dec] x 6 (24 stitches).
- Round 16: [2 sc, 1 dec] x 6 (18 stitches).
- Row 17: To close the head, bring both sides of the head together so that both rows of stitches are parallel, with the last stitch you worked on the far right.

- Now pass the needle through the next stitch and through the opposite stitch. Make a loop, pass the thread through both stitches and knit 1 sc.

- Repeat this process for each pair of opposite points. The head is closed with a total of 9 sc. Cut the thread and hide the excess thread (9 stitches).

Weave the Eyes of the Fly (2x)
The eyes of the fly are knitted with Marsala Red thread in a spiral single crochet. Knit 2 eyes.

- Crochet the eyes in a spiral with Marsala Red yarn .
- Round 1: 5 sc inside the magic ring (5 stitches).
- Round 2 : [1 inc] x 5 (10 stitches).
- Round 3 : [1 sc, 1 inc] x 5 (15 stitches).
- Round 4: [2 sc, 1 inc] x 5 (20 stitches).
- Round 5-6: 2 rounds, each round 20 sc (20 stitches).
- Finishing: Cut the thread leaving a good margin and leave a long tail to sew.