The eyebrows can be placed differently above the eyes to create different facial expressions. Proceed as described above, but either push through stitches 1 stitch row above the eyes or push through a stitch 1 stitch row above the eye and a stitch directly above the eye.

Sideburns: Use the tapestry needle to pull a White thread through the outermost stitch on the beard and the underlying stitch on the head. Let the needle come out further up the head (see pictures). Again push the needle and thread through the same stitch on the beard and head and exit at another stitch further up. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Pompoms: Pull a White pompom thread with the tapestry needle through 1 stitch at the tip of the hat. Firmly knot both pompom threads together, cut them to the length of the pompom and unravel them up.

Hat: Fold the hat in the middle and sew with a Signal Red thread the top of the hat together with the lower part, so that it stays folded. Sew on the hat with a White thread to the head.